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Travaux de candidature

Bibliothèque en ligne

mardi 7 août 2018 / Catégories: Langues, Anglais

Managing mixed-ability classrooms in lower levels of the EST by increasing student autonomy

Larosche Christine

The following Travail de candidature is based on a sequence of lessons held at the
Lycée Technique de Bonnevoie in a 9STP. The sequence of lessons focuses on the
development of students’ self-guided learning to foster their autonomy. Especially in
hindsight of 9ième being a crucial year for the students’ educational future and in
facing a mixed ability classroom where students have different needs and abilities.
The following methods are going to be applied
o differentiation (pace, choice of activity, level) – to cater for students’ different
levels of English and their needs in view of their choice after 9ième
o self-guided activities – to foster their autonomy and encourage them to work
more independently
o self-evaluation/self-positioning – to make them aware of their actual
knowledge and to raise their awareness for their weaknesses and strength – to
encourage them to work on those weaknesses and gain motivation from the
knowledge of their strength
Action research should give my work the necessary guidance. The project will be
evaluated through classroom observation and questionnaires filled out by the
students. Close observation of the students and recording the observation in a journal
should allow me to determine the progress they might make throughout the lessons.
The questionnaires will help me to get to know all the students’ opinions and their selfassessment

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