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mardi 7 août 2018 / Catégories: Langues, Anglais

Diplôme d'accès aux études supérieures (DAES) - The path to designing a viable English course

Krack Christine

The aim of my research project is to document the process of designing the structure
and content for the English course to be implemented in the final year in the framework of the
diplôme d'accès aux études supérieures (DAES) in the École de la deuxième chance (E2C).
The project also has the objective to provide a ready-to-use lesson sequence including methods
and material.
First of all, I examine the origins of the DAES and explain this new diploma in the
Luxembourg education system. Secondly, I give details about the planning of the English
course in particular and study the student profiles with the help of the students that are enrolled
in the preparatory year of the DAES. Thirdly, I carefully define the objectives of the course
and justify the choices made. Moreover, I propose an overall course structure in the form of
descriptive sheets that address the required aspects by the E2C: compétence(s) visée(s);
habilités et contenus; supports pédagogiques; formes d’interaction sociale prévues; modalités
d’évaluation. On top of that, I present a lesson sequence for one specific topic to illustrate how
the main aims and objectives can be achieved. Section six addresses the topic of assessment
and offers a proposal for a final writing and oral exam.
To sum up, through a critical examination of existing curricula, course design
methodologies, student profiles and needs, I outline the overall course structure of the English
course of the final year of the DAES as well as present a lesson sequence with ready-to-use
material. My final analysis issues a set of recommendations to guarantee the success of the
English course in the future.