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mercredi 18 juin 2014 / Catégories: Langues, Anglais

A study of methodologies for reading fiction in class with language learners

Laurence Gérard

This study gives a brief overview of what has already been written in relationship to students‟ reading in general, L2 reading, student motivation and the different ways of implementing lessons on fiction in language teaching. Its purpose is to discover if the students have any preferences as to which way of working is employed and if a particular way of working may increase their motivation.

The data is gathered by means of questionnaires and classroom observation, the latter of which is recorded in my logbook. The study compares teachers‟ and students‟ beliefs with each other and with the literature on the subject. The project is based on action research as this will allow the practical application of the subject to be linked to theory.

The results show that the students‟ preference is to work with tasks following the theory of the Multiple Intelligences, although they do not necessarily consider this way of working the most useful when it comes to understanding a book in detail or improving their language. As for teachers, they prefer working in a teacher directed manner and using group work. In the analysis and conclusion I shall try to decipher the collected information to formulate some guidelines that could improve students‟ motivation when reading in class.

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