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Travaux de candidature

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Are we living in the World State?

Thoss Charles

This ‘travail de candidature’ discusses Aldous Huxley’s landmark novel Brave New World, written in 1931. Huxley presents the vision of a seemingly ideal society, the World State, in which nobody suffers from hunger, war or even rejection, but where everyone is living a carefree life. This first impression is, however, shattered when Bernard Marx, one of the protagonists, is introduced. Unlike the other World Staters, Bernard is cynical and bitter; and one of the few who can...

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Translating Pain

Gieres Michel

This dissertation focuses on the link between Romantic and modern writing. Ideas and concepts encountered within De Quincey’s Confessions of an English OpiumEater, Suspiria de Profundis and The English MailCoach as well as Wordsworth’s Prelude can also be found in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. Thus, Conrad is largely indebted to both De Quincey and Wordsworth’s perceptions of the world. Within this framework, the dissertation concentrates on how the idea of...

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The Dislocated City. Revisiting the Urban Space in Modern Teenage Fiction

Giampaolo Viviane

1. Research Objectives In my thesis I will examine the role of urban space in contemporary young adult literature. This research will focus primarily on the city of London, a metropolis with its own distinctive landmarks and characteristics inherent to the city landscape. This study will concentrate more precisely on the several ways in which the city is deformed into an imaginary space and how it transplants its characters into an unfamiliar setting, forcing them to act and react in...

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Aspects of the acquisition of English as a second language in the Luxembourgish school system

Christopher Savage

The principal aim of this project was to develop a greater understanding of how second language acquisition (SLA) differs from first language acquisition (FLA), and how this affects the attainment of English in Luxembourgish schools. In order to achieve this goal we decided to observe language production by students in their first year of English and subsequently determine to what extend the mother tongue or other previously acquired languages influence their English performance. In...

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