As a general rule, the accesses linked to an identity are valid for the current school year. However, the Identity Provider can enter an end date for each identity that is earlier than the school year, if known. In this case, this end date takes precedence over the end date of the school year.
In the eduConnect context, the school year starts on October 1st and ends on September 30th of the following year. Beginning July 1 of the current school year, identities for the next school year can be entered by an affiliated Identity Provider.
When the life of an identity expires, the user automatically loses all access rights that have been assigned to them. Identities and their access rights are not tacitly renewed. It is the responsibility of the Identity Provider to renew them from one school year to the next.
It is important to note that if, during the course of the school year, an Identity leaves the role that granted it various access rights through its IAM account, the Identity Provider is required to delete it without delay.