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Expanding access to education

A service for secure access

With eduConnect, the CGIE offers a secure and identified access service to a set of national education platforms and digital resources. eduConnect aims
  • to facilitate communication and collaboration between the formal and non-formal education communities.
  • to provide access to a rich set of national education digital resources and services for non-formal education stakeholders.
eduConnect is governed by the CGIE's Identity and Access Management system (IAM, http://iam.cgie.lu). As such, anyone wishing to access a national education platform, application or digital resource must have an active IAM account linked to at least one assignment, whether it is a school, an education and hospitality facility, a training institute or another eligible organization.
How to join

eduConnect is aimed at the following structures and organizations:

  • structures with an agreement in the sector of education and childcare for children under 12 years of age (i.e. organizations that have signed a financing agreement with the State),
  • child care agencies (AE),
  • contracted Adult Education (SFA) agencies,
  • contracted vocational training organizations (SFP).
  • governmental and ministerial administrations and services.

Each SFA or AE structure must hold an agreement and an approval issued by the Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth on the basis of criteria of good character, staff qualification and infrastructure.

Each adult education (SFA) or vocational training (SFP) organization must have an agreement with the Adult Education Department or the Vocational Training Department of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.

The eduConnect service provides external users with a personal and secure IAM (Identity and Access Management) account that allows them to connect to the national education's digital platforms and resources.

By default, all IAM account holders have access to the "Microsoft (Office) 365" platform and to the "eduWifI (eduRoam)" WiFi network of the national education.

Any demand for access to another digital resource, platform or computer application of the national education must be the subject of a separate request to be addressed to the application / resource owner.

There is an annual subscription fee for using the eduConnect service.

This fee is billed annually in October for the past school year based on the current subscription plan (see table below). In the eduConnect context, the school year begins on October 1 and ends on September 30 of the following year.

1 Mercury 5 100 €
2 Venus 25 475 €
3 Earth 50 850 €
4 Mars 100 1.500 €
5 Jupiter 250 3.500 €
6 Saturn 500 6.500 €
7 Uranus 1000 12.000 €
8 Neptune > 1000 10 € per user

(*) If the organization wishes to upgrade its subscription plan during the school year, it will be billed in full in October of the following year. Downgrading a subscription plan is not possible during the school year. Any notification of upgrade or downgrade of a subscription plan must be done via the CGIE helpdesk (Email: helpdesk@cgie.lu)

(**) The eduConnect service is free of charge for government and departmental administrations. For other organizations, the price of the chosen subscription plan is billed annually in October for the previous school year.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send us your request via our helpdesk (helpdesk@cgie.lu).

If an organization wishes to join the eduConnect service, simply complete the online application form below. If the organization is eligible, a user agreement is signed by the organization and CGIE. At this point, the organization becomes an Identity Provider.

As an Identity Provider, the organization is entitled to provision its users' identities in the IAM system through the eduConnect system.

The eduConnect system offers several methods for provisioning identities:

Their applicability depends on the needs and IT skills of the Identity Provider. The CGIE reserves the right to impose one or the other method for technical reasons.

As a general rule, the accesses linked to an identity are valid for the current school year. However, the Identity Provider can enter an end date for each identity that is earlier than the school year, if known. In this case, this end date takes precedence over the end date of the school year.

In the eduConnect context, the school year starts on October 1st and ends on September 30th of the following year. Beginning July 1 of the current school year, identities for the next school year can be entered by an affiliated Identity Provider.

When the life of an identity expires, the user automatically loses all access rights that have been assigned to them. Identities and their access rights are not tacitly renewed. It is the responsibility of the Identity Provider to renew them from one school year to the next.

It is important to note that if, during the course of the school year, an Identity leaves the role that granted it various access rights through its IAM account, the Identity Provider is required to delete it without delay.

Access to the Microsoft 365 platform


The CGIE offers all users who are governed via "eduConnect" a secure and identified access to the "Microsoft 365" platform dedicated to non-formal education. This collaborative work environment is referred to as ENF.LU in the following.

Centre de gestion informatique de l'éducation
eduPôle - Walferdange
28, Route de Diekirch
L-7220 Walferdange
Adresse postale:
B.P. 98
L-7201 Bereldange
Tél. secrétariat: (+352) 247 - 85970
Email: secretariat@cgie.lu

Tél. helpdesk: (+352) 247 - 85999
Email: helpdesk@cgie.lu
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