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By introducing rapid self-testing in schools, the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth is aiming to ensure greater security and maintain as many classroom lessons as possible. Using self-testing will make it possible to closely monitor the evolution of the virus and take immediate steps as soon as there are any positive test results.

During the week starting 19 April 2021, each pupil will receive one self-testing kit to try out at home.

The rapid self-testing at school will be launched during the week starting 26 April. To take part, staff, adult students and parents of minor pupils must express their specific consent (see forms below).

In principle, each member of the school community will carry out a self-test once a week.

The test - involving taking a nasal swab - is straightforward: children from cycle 2 upwards will easily be able to carry out the test themselves.

The teacher will supervise the testing, and give the pupils the necessary instructions. The results of the tests are available after just 15 minutes.

Children in cycle 1 will receive one kit each week to take home and use there, with their parents. The parents must fill in a declaration of participation (see below).

Any pupils who test positive for Covid-19 are to be separated from their classmates. If possible, they are to be kept in a different room, under adult supervision. Their parents will be contacted immediately, and will have to collect their child as quickly as possible.

At the same time as this self-testing, teaching staff and pupils will continue to be invited regularly to take part in the Large-Scale Testing scheme (LST) until 15 July 2021.

The mobile testing teams will continue to operate at schools to test classes in scenario 1, i.e. those classes kept separate because a pupil has tested positive.